
Fluvanna County Post 2003



Since our charter in 2003, our American Legion Post has been welcoming VETERANS from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals, aspirations, dreams, peace and blessings for our country, friends and families embodied in our preamble.


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To the wonderful patriotic citizens of the Fluvanna County community. Join our Post as a Booster or Sponsor. 100% of the monies raised are given back to the community. Help us to continue sponsoring Scholarships for our children; give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans, and their families. Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects.


Be sure to follow our Facebook page for latebreaking veteran or community news.  Use the Facebook icon above or this link.