We provide this page to give the community a resource to see and support veteran owned businesses in Fluvanna County.
If you are a military veteran that owns a business in Fluvanna and would like to be listed here, please contact: abushey@alpost2003.org
Sites are listed in alphabetical order by business type:
Brand Development / Media Creation / Event Coordination
Mad Minute Technicians https://www.madminutetacticians.com/
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Charles W. Allbaugh, CPA https://www.allbaugh.com/
Caton Construction Group https://www.catonconstructiongroup.com/
Electronic Security
FLCO, LLC https://www.facebook.com/FLCOllc
Jack Thompson III, DDS https://jackthompsondentist.com/home/
Hidden Springs Family Farm Hidden Springs Family Farm | Palmyra VA | Facebook
Modesto Farms https://www.modestofarms.com/index.html
Firearms / Training
Fluvanna County Firearms https://www.acfstore.com/
Merica’s Defense Firearms Training LLC https://mericas-defense.com/
Akarion Realty https://www.akarionrealty.com/
Tax Services
Rudy Talks Taxes https://rwftaxservices.com
Termite and Pest Control
Ashcraft Termite and Pest https://www.ashcrafttermitepest.com